Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Resource Recovery
[5th Edition] written and edited by George Tchobanoglous
(Author), Franklin L. Burton (Editor), H. David Stensel
Book Description
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Resource Recovery, 5/e is a thorough update of McGraw-Hill's authoritative book on wastewater treatment. No environmental engineering professional or civil or environmental engineering major should be without a copy of this book - describing the rapidly evolving field of wastewater engineering technological and regulatory changes that have occurred over the last ten years in this discipline, including: a new view of a wastewater as a source of energy, nutrients and potable water; more stringent discharge requirements related to nitrogen and phosphorus; enhanced understanding of the fundamental microbiology and physiology of the microorganisms responsible for the removel of nitrogen and phosphorus and other constituents; an appreciation of the importance of the separate treatment of return flows with respect to meeting more stringent standards for nitrogen removal and opportunities for nutrient recovery; increased emphasis on the treatment of sludge and the management of biosolids; increased awareness of carbon footprints impacts and greenhouse gas emissions, and an emphasis on the development of energy neutral or energy positive wastewater plants through more efficient use of chemical and heat energy in wastewater.
This revision contains a strong focus on advanced wastewater treatment technologies and stresses the reuse aspects of wastewater and biosolids.
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 4/e is a
thorough update of McGraw-Hill's authoritative book on
wastewater treatment. No environmental engineering professional
or civil or and environmental engineering major should
be without a copy of this book- tt describes the technological
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse
[4th Edition] written and edited by George Tchobanoglous
(Author), Franklin L. Burton (Editor), H. David Stensel
Book Description
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 4/e is a
thorough update of McGraw-Hill's authoritative book on
wastewater treatment. No environmental engineering professional
or civil or and environmental engineering major should
be without a copy of this book- tt describes the technological
and regulatory changes that have occurred over the last
ten years in this discipline, including: improved techniques
for the characterization of wastewaters; improved fundamental
understanding of many of the existing unit operations
and processes used for wastewater treatment, especially
those processes used for the biological removal of nutrients;
greater implementation of several newer treatment technologies
(e.g., UV disinfection, membrane filtration, and heat
drying); greater concern for the long term health and
environmental impacts of wastewater constituents; greater
emphasis on advanced wastewater treatment and risk assessment
for water reuse applications; changes in regulations and
the development of new technologies for wastewater disinfection;
and new regulations governing the treatment, reuse, and
disposal of sludge (biosolids). Greater concern for infrastructure
renewal including upgrading the design and performance
of wastewater treatment plants.
This revision contains a strong focus on advanced wastewater
treatment technologies and stresses the reuse aspects
of wastewater and biosolids.
Book Info
Update on wastewater treatment for civil and environmental
engineering majors. Describes the technological and regulatory
changes that have occurred over the last ten years in
this discipline. Stresses the reuse aspects of wastewater
and biosolids. Previous edition c1991.

3rd Edition: Wastewater Engineering: Treatment,
Disposal, and Reuse (Hardcover) by George Tchobanoglous
Book Description
This text is aimed at civil and environmental engineers
for the course usually taught as a one- or two-semester
course at the junior/senior level. The third edition covers
information on new water treatment processes and small
treatment facilities. This book will appeal not only to
Civil and Environmental Engineering students but also
to professional and practicing engineers who can use the
text as a reference.
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Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse